
Graded Pokemon Cards

27 products

Showing 1 - 24 of 27 products

New and vintage Pokemon cards graded by PSA, BGS and CGC including 1996 and onwards including English & Japanese promo cards, exclusive tournement cards, the nostalgic first print Base Set, the excitement of EX era, and the diversity of HeartGold SoulSilver and XY.
Showing 1 - 24 of 27 products
ACE 10 Hitmonchan 24/115 - EX Unseen Forces - Reverse Holo
ACE 10 Mew EX 88/92 - EX Legend Maker - World Championship Deck
ACE 9 Kabutops 9/110 - EX Holon Phantoms - Holo
ACE 9 Slowking 14/115 - EX Unseen Forces - Reverse Holo
ACE 9 Manectric 4/95 - EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua - Holo
PSA 9 Magneton 20/144 - Skyridge - Reverse Holo
PSA 9 Treecko - Target Black Star Promo - Holo
PSA 8 Leafeon 17/90 - Undaunted PreRelease - Holo
PSA 8 Leafeon 17/90 - Undaunted PreRelease - Holo
PSA 9 Leafeon 17/90 - Undaunted PreRelease - Holo
PSA 8 - Politoed 8/75 - Neo Discovery - Holo
PSA 7 - Rocket's Moltres 12/132 - Gym Heroes - Holo
PSA 9 - Typhlosion - Neo Genesis - Holo - Japanese
PSA 8 Erika's Vileplume 5/132 - Gym Heroes - Holo
PSA 8 - Machamp 16/165 - Expedition - Holo
PSA 8 - Poliwrath 24/165 - Expedition - Holo
PSA 8 - Skarmory 27/165 - Expedition - Holo
PSA 8 - Cloyster 8/165 - Expedition - Holo
PSA 9 - Piloswine H22/H32 - Skyridge - Holo
PSA 9 - Rhydon H27/H32 - Skyridge - Holo
PSA 4 - Poliwrath H24/H32 - Skyridge - Holo
PSA 9 - Piloswine H22/H32 - Skyridge - Holo
PSA 8 - Magneton H16/H32 - Aquapolis - Holo

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